The Truth

I got into this line of work as a layover, a weigh station, while I sorted myself out to go on to greater things. I was going to attempt great things; to go out into all the world, find the deepest darkest corners, and shine a light where I thought one was needed. I’ve discovered…

Everything is Different, but We are the Same

This world has been interrupted and upturned. Way too many people are having their lives upended and their livelihoods threatened. The litany of assaults on our way of life is unending, and yet what I mostly see is people warbling through it with a vague sense of optimism (not looking at Facebook helps). There is…


I have not written on this blog in roughly 6 years. Opening it up and looking through old posts I am filled with a mix of nostalgia, embarrassment, and inspiration; it’s one thing to fail at a turn-of-phrase or metaphor, it’s another not to try. I am proud of my younger self for reaching and…

Our son, Micah.

When Paula got pregnant for the first time many of our friends said something to the effect of “Oh my gosh, you guys are going to have the cutest baby ever!”. I felt a little nervous that our little guy might not live up to this expectation, but when Micah was born it quickly became…

My Heart

I’ve heard someone liken the raising of a child to having an external heart; one that beats outside of your chest. I know this feeling. It is a completely unique experience (to me at least) to watch, there in front of you, something so vulnerable and so precious, so beautiful and so visceral. I’ve told…

My Race

I ran a half marathon. I’ve run off and on in the past, but only this summer have been doing it seriously and consistently (for me at least- 3 times a week). For my birthday in April my wife bought me a Nike watch with GPS and that’s partly what encouraged me to run consistently. It tells…

Why are people homeless?

Aaron is 43 years old, a journeyman electrician, and sleeps under the High Level Bridge. To know how he got here you could go back to the day he got released from prison and didn’t have any family, friends or belongings to help him integrate back into society, but did have the added challenge of trying…

Hell- a book report

I recently read “Erasing Hell” by Francis Chan (and another guy), which is essentially a response to Rob Bell’s “Love Wins”. Bell’s book is a questioning/rethinking of some commonly held beliefs about hell, and in it he essentially states that no one can resist God forever and at some point hell, if there is such…

We are Trees

I had a little thing published in the Spring 2011 issue of Geez Magazine! If you haven’t read Geez you should definitely check it out, and not just for my piece. This is it below: We Are Trees “Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” -Martin Luther King Jr. What if we…

Hospital Visit

I went to the Hospital Tuesday to visit a guy who was in our housing program. He had taken off from his place and been gone for a couple of months before returning and shortly thereafter suffering what seemed to be a series of small strokes. Being in his 70’s and already having some disabilities,…